Internationalization (i18n) is essential for making web applications accessible to a global audience. With Next.js 14, you can seamlessly integrate i18n using the App Router, enabling both client-side and server-side dictionary access.
In this article, we'll walk through setting up i18n in a Next.js 14 application, integrating it with middleware for authentication, and creating a language switcher for dynamic language selection.
In the end of this tutorial, you will have a robust Next.js 14 application with the following internationalization (i18n) features:
- App Router Integration: Seamlessly integrated i18n with Next.js 14's App Router, allowing for smooth navigation and language routing within your application.
- Server-Side Context Management: Efficiently handled server-side context for locale and dictionary management using utility functions, ensuring that translations are readily available for server-side rendering.
- Client-Side Global State Management: Utilized Jotai for managing the dictionary and locale state on the client side, providing a centralized and reactive system for handling internationalization dynamically.
- Auto-Generated TypeScript from JSON Dictionaries: Leveraged TypeScript to automatically generate types from JSON dictionaries, enhancing type safety and reducing the likelihood of errors in your codebase.
- Cookie Handling: Implemented cookie management to remember user language preferences, ensuring a consistent user experience across sessions.
- Automatically Routing Middleware Integration: Integrated middleware for automatic language routing, adapting to user preferences and ensuring that the correct language version of the site is displayed.
By incorporating these features, your Next.js 14 application will be well-equipped to provide a seamless multilingual experience, making it accessible and user-friendly for a global audience.
💡 This article was written while I was working on the open-source project The insights and techniques shared here are based on my experience and contributions to this project, aimed at enhancing the internationalization capabilities in Next.js applications.
Table of Contents
- Setting Up a Next.js 14 Project
- Configuring Internationalization
- Enabling Client-side and Server-side Dictionary Access
- Integrating Middleware for Authentication (Optional)
- Creating a Language Switcher
- Wrapping Providers with DictionaryProvider
- Utility Functions for Server Context and Dictionary Server-side
- Client-side Global State Dictionary and Locale Management Using Jotai
- Simple Examples of Dictionary Usage
- Server-Side Page or Layout Usage
- Server-Side Children Component Usage
- Client-Side Component Usage
- Conclusion
Setting Up a Next.js 14 Project
First, set up a new Next.js project and install the necessary dependencies.
Ensure you have the latest version of Next.js and the required packages for i18n.
This setup will provide the foundation for implementing internationalization in your application.
Install dependencies for this tutorial
- next-i18n-router - For integrating with Next middleware and managing user language preferences, cookies, language-based routes, etc.
- jotai - For global state management (you can use React Context as an alternative)
Configuring Internationalization
To configure i18n in your Next.js project, create an i18n configuration file.
This file should specify the default language, supported locales, and any necessary settings for handling URL prefixes for different languages.
This configuration ensures that your application can handle multiple languages and route users to the appropriate language version of your site.
// ./i18nConfig.ts
import type { Config } from 'next-i18n-router/dist/types';
export const config: Config = {
defaultLocale: 'en',
// Check available options at: <>
locales: ['en', 'pt', 'es'],
noPrefix: true,
} as const;
export type Locale = (typeof config)['locales'][number];
Enabling Client-side and Server-side Dictionary Access
Internationalization requires loading language-specific dictionaries dynamically.
Create a utility function to load dictionaries based on the user's locale.
This function should fetch the appropriate JSON files containing translated strings for each supported language.
// ./get-dictionary-by-locale.ts
import { Locale } from './config';
const dictionaries = {
en: () => import('./dictionaries/en.json').then((module) => module.default),
pt: () => import('./dictionaries/pt.json').then((module) => module.default),
es: () => import('./dictionaries/es.json').then((module) => module.default),
// Type for the dictionary
export type Dictionary = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof dictionaries.en>> & {
[key: string]: string;
[key: `languages_${Locale}`]: string;
// Utility function to get dictionary by locale
export const getDictionaryByLocale = async (locale: Locale): Promise<Dictionary> => {
const dictionary = await dictionaries[locale as keyof typeof dictionaries]();
// Using Proxy to handle missing translations
return new Proxy(dictionary, {
get(target, property) {
if (property in target) {
return target[property as keyof typeof target];
} else {
return `{{${property.toString()}}}`;
}) as Dictionary;
👉🏻 Trying to access
would result in{{ home_page_title }}
being shown in the user interface, making it easier to notice if a dictionary key was not found or correctly loaded.
Integrating Middleware for Authentication (Optional)
If your project uses authentication (e.g., with NextAuth), integrate i18n with the authentication middleware.
The middleware should check if the user is authenticated and determine the appropriate language based on the user's preferences or settings.
By combining authentication with i18n, you can ensure that users see the correct language version of your site as soon as they log in.
If your project does not use NextAuth, you can integrate i18n with other middleware solutions.
The goal is to ensure that the middleware can manage language routing based on user preferences or settings.
This approach is flexible and can be adapted to various authentication and routing strategies.
💡 Notice that in this tutorial, I chose not to use language explicitly in the routes by using the i18nRouter configuration
noPrefix: true
. If you need to have the current locale in the URL, set this to false but remember to handle all the authorization redirects including the locale prefix.
Using i18nRouter Middleware with NextAuth
// Integrating with NextAuth middleware
import { i18nRouter } from 'next-i18n-router';
import type { NextAuthConfig, Session } from 'next-auth';
export const authConfig = {
authorized({ auth, request }) {
const { nextUrl } = request;
const isLoggedIn = !!auth?.user;
if (!isLoggedIn) {
return false;
// Use i18nRouter from next-i18n-router to handle language routing
return i18nRouter(request, i18n);
} satisfies NextAuthConfig;
Using i18nRouter Middleware with Next.js Middleware
// Integrating with Next.js middleware.ts directly
import { i18nRouter } from 'next-i18n-router';
import i18nConfig from './i18nConfig';
export function middleware(request) {
// Use i18nRouter from next-i18n-router to handle language routing
return i18nRouter(request, i18nConfig);
// only apply this middleware to files in the app directory
export const config = {
matcher: '/((?!api|static|.*\\\\..*|_next).*)'
Creating a Language Switcher
Create a language switcher component that allows users to change the language dynamically.
This component should list all available languages and update the URL to reflect the selected language.
When a user selects a language, the application should reload with the content displayed in the chosen language.
Dictionary in English Language Example
// dictionaries/en.json
"languages_en": "English",
"languages_pt": "Portuguese",
"languages_es": "Spanish"
Language Switcher Server-side Component
// language-page.tsx
import { cookies } from 'next/headers';
import { LanguageForm } from './language-form';
import { setDictionary } from './dictionary-server-side';
export default async function LanguagePage({
params: { locale }
}: {
params: { locale: Locale }
}) {
const dictionary = await getDictionaryByLocale(locale);
const languages = => ({
label: dictionary[`languages_${locale}`],
code: locale,
async function updateLanguage(locale: Locale) {
'use server';
const cookieStore = cookies();
cookieStore.set('NEXT_LOCALE', locale);
return (
Language Switcher Client-side Component
// language-form.tsx
'use client'
import { Locale } from './i18nConfig';
import { localeAtom, useDictionary } from './dictionary';
import { useAtomValue } from 'jotai';
interface LanguageFormProps {
languages: { code: Locale; label: string }[];
updateLanguage(locale: Locale): Promise<void>;
export function LanguageForm({
}: LanguageFormProps) {
const currentLocale = useAtomValue(localeAtom); // Get current locale from Jotai
const dictionary = useDictionary(); // Get current dictionary from Jotai
async function handleSaveLanguage({ locale }) {
await updateLanguage(locale);
return (
// UI elements for language switching
Wrapping Providers with DictionaryProvider
To manage language settings and translations effectively, wrap your other providers with a DictionaryProvider
This provider should set the dictionary based on the current locale and ensure that translations are available throughout the application.
By doing so, you centralize language management and make it easier to maintain and update translations.
Creating a Dictionary Provider
// dictionary-provider.tsx
import { ReactNode } from 'react';
import { useSetAtom, useAtom } from 'jotai';
import { localeAtom, dictionaryAtom } from './dictionary';
export function DictionaryProvider({
}: {
children: ReactNode;
locale: Locale;
}) {
const setLocale = useSetAtom(localeAtom); // Set current locale in Jotai
useAtom(dictionaryAtom); // Load and set current dictionary in Jotai
return <>{children}</>;
Using Dictionary Provider with Other Providers
// root-layout.tsx
import { Provider as JotaiProvider } from 'jotai'
import { setDictionary, setLocale } from './dictionary-server-side';
export default async function RootLayout({
params: { locale }
}: {
children: ReactNode;
params: { locale: Locale };
}) {
const dictionary = await getDictionaryByLocale(locale); // Load dictionary
setLocale(locale); // Set locale in server-side context
setDictionary(dictionary); // Set dictionary in server-side context
return (
<html lang={locale}>
<body className="antialiased">
<DictionaryProvider locale={locale}>
Utility Functions for Server Context and Dictionary Server-side
Managing the server-side context and dictionary is crucial for providing consistent language support throughout your application.
You need utility functions that handle setting and getting the locale and dictionary in a server context.
- Server Context Utility: Create a utility to manage server-side context values.
This utility should provide functions to get and set values, ensuring that your application can store and retrieve the current locale and dictionary efficiently.
- Dictionary Server-side Utility: Develop a utility that uses the server context to manage the dictionary.
This utility should set the dictionary based on the locale and provide the necessary translations for the server-side rendering of your application.
By managing the dictionary server-side, you ensure that all parts of your application have access to the correct translations based on the user's locale.
Server Context Utility
// server-context.ts
import { cache } from 'react';
// Utility to manage server-side context values
export const serverContext = <T>(defaultValue: T): [() => T, (v: T) => void] => {
const getRef = cache(() => ({ current: defaultValue }));
const getValue = (): T => getRef().current;
const setValue = (value: T) => {
getRef().current = value;
return [getValue, setValue];
Dictionary Server-side Utility
// dictionary-server-side.ts
import { Dictionary, i18n } from './i18nConfig';
import { serverContext } from './server-context';
// Create server-side context for locale and dictionary
export const [getLocale, setLocale] = serverContext(i18n.defaultLocale);
export const [getDictionary, setDictionary] = serverContext({} as Dictionary);
Client-side Global State Dictionary and Locale Management Using Jotai
For client-side state management, using a state management library like Jotai can help manage the dictionary and locale efficiently.
- Locale Atom: Create an atom to store the current locale.
This atom will hold the default locale initially and update as the user changes the language.
- Dictionary Atom: Create an atom that fetches and stores the dictionary based on the current locale.
This atom should dynamically load the appropriate dictionary when the locale changes, ensuring that the application always displays the correct translations.
- useDictionary Hook: Develop a custom hook to access the current dictionary.
This hook will use the dictionary atom to provide the necessary translations for components, making it easy to retrieve translated strings throughout your application.
Jotai Dictionary and Locale Global Hook States
// dictionary.ts
import { getDictionaryByLocale, i18n, Locale } from './i18nConfig';
import { atom, useAtomValue } from 'jotai';
// Atom to store current locale
export const localeAtom = atom<Locale>(i18n.defaultLocale);
// Atom to fetch and store current dictionary
export const dictionaryAtom = atom((get) => getDictionaryByLocale(get(localeAtom)));
// Hook to access current dictionary
export const useDictionary = () => {
return useAtomValue(dictionaryAtom);
By managing the dictionary and locale with Jotai, you create a centralized and reactive system for handling internationalization on the client side.
This approach ensures that your application can respond to language changes dynamically and provide a seamless user experience.
Simple Examples of i18n Dictionary Usage
Here are three simple examples to illustrate how to use the dictionary in different parts of your Next.js application.
1. Server-Side Page or Layout Usage
When using getDictionaryByLocale(locale)
and setDictionary(dictionary)
in server-side pages or layouts, it's essential to call setDictionary
to ensure that the dictionary is available to all child components.
💡 This
is necessary because the React cache function won't propagate the data otherwise. While this approach requires explicitly setting the dictionary, it avoids the need for props drilling.
// pages/index.tsx
import { getDictionaryByLocale, setDictionary } from './dictionary-server-side';
export default async function HomePage({ params: { locale } }) {
// Get the dictionary based on the locale
const dictionary = await getDictionaryByLocale(locale);
// Set the dictionary in the server-side context
return (
<SomeChildComponent />
2. Server-Side Children Component Usage
Child components that need to access the dictionary server-side should use getDictionary()
to retrieve the current dictionary.
// components/some-child-component.tsx
import { getDictionary } from './dictionary-server-side';
export default function SomeChildComponent() {
// Get the current dictionary
const dictionary = getDictionary();
return (
3. Client-Side Component Usage
Client-side components can use the useDictionary()
hook from Jotai to access the current dictionary.
// components/client-component.tsx
'use client';
import { useDictionary } from './dictionary';
export default function ClientComponent() {
// Use the dictionary hook to get the current dictionary
const dictionary = useDictionary();
return (
By following these examples, you can effectively manage and utilize dictionaries in your Next.js application, ensuring that translations are properly loaded and available to both server-side and client-side components.
Implementing internationalization in Next.js 14 using the App Router and enabling both client-side and server-side dictionary access enhances the user experience by making your application accessible to a global audience.
By integrating middleware for secure routing (if necessary) and creating a dynamic language switcher, you provide a seamless multilingual experience for your users.
Additionally, using utility functions for server context and dictionary management, combined with Jotai for client-side state management, ensures that your Next.js 14 application is well-equipped to handle internationalization effectively.